Mother's Day - Lavender Relaxation Bundle

Regular price $99.00
Encourage Mom to take some "Me-Time" & have an amazing bath experience with our Mother's Day Lavender Relaxation Bundle, which includes:
INNER WISDOM: LAVENDER AND AMETHYST SOY CANDLE- Give into the pleasures of relaxation with lavender essential oils and supercharged intuition-boosting Amethyst. Lavender is best known for its relaxing qualities but it also has somewhat secretive stimulating properties that achieve stillness of the mind, promote a better mood, and overall state of mind. Experience more balance in your life as you enlighten and become more comfortable trusting yourself and your decisions. You’ll find intuition rises to the surface and helps you live a more healthy, self-serving lifestyle.
INTO NATURE: ORGANIC SPIRULINA, LAVENDER AND AMETHYST SOAP BAR - A breeze of calm ambiance connects you to a zen violet travel, invoking memories of peacefulness and accomplishment where you connect to the leaves, air, water, and fire. Soaking up mother nature as delicate floral notes sing and lavender buds dance, delivering the youthful glow that surrounds you.
GEM DETOX: LAVENDER AND BLUE LACE AGATE BATH SALT - Featuring organic botanicals, one of a kind gemstones and cold-pressed/pure steamed distilled essential oils derived straight from the plant. Soothe sore muscles and detox your mind, body, and soul as you soak in gem waters while breathing in pure lavender aromatherapy.